Our cellular memory holds our star knowledge as coded holograms within our bodies. There is a multidimensional story that up until recently has been invisible to us because of fourth dimensional archetypal forces obstructing our view. The ancient gods of Sumerian myth, the Anunnaki, visitors from the planet Nibiru, are said to have created us by using their own “divine” DNA with the aim of creating a slave race. As they were involved in our creation and evolution, they have always known how to control us. Their control has been like a net thrown around the planet becoming denser and more prison like throughout the age of Pisces.

We see this today through the control systems of the “World Management Team,” but, as we move into the photon band and the age of Aquarius, it is time to break the chains and disperse these control systems. The Egyptians grounded starlight by building the pyramids and the sphinx on the Giza Plateau, a star map, possibly aligned as far back as the age of Leo keeping open the sixth dimensional Sirian geometric light fields and locking them into the earths energy grid so our sight will re-awaken. Immersed in the photon band the light will open our hearts to the essence of the fifth dimensional Pleiadean love frequency. Then we will truly have the choice to embrace freedom of consciousness in a new age of light.

Mounted print size available:
  Metric  23cm x 17.8cm
 Imperial  9″ x 7″
